The following data keys may be used to pass contact data from BadgerScan to your custom survey. Please check with your event organizer to learn which of these data fields will be available in the event badges. Most badges will include at least firstName, lastName, and email.
- id : unique numeric ID for each contact
- firstName
- lastName
- title
- favorite : favorite level from 0 to 3 (yellow = 1, red = 3)
- email
- officePhone
- cellPhone
- fax
- org : organization affiliation
- displayAddress: formatted address
- street
- city
- region
- zip
- country
- event : name of the event where Badge scanned
- lat : GPS latitude at scan time
- long : GPS longitude at scan time
- scanPlace : location at Badge scan time
- scanTime : date and time Badge scanned
- notes : notes saved with contact (launch survey after collecting notes)
- summary : a summary statement of interests provided by the contact
- twitter : twitter screen name
- linkedin : LinkedIn public profile URL
- url : website provided by contact